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IBO Video

IBO diplomate Dr. Elbe Peter

Board Of Directors

Dr. Rajaganesh Gautam.jpg
Dr. Rajaganesh Gautam
Dr Salil Nene.jpg
Dr. Salil Nene
Vice Chairman
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Dr. Mala Ram Manohar
Secretary & Treasurer
Dr.Ajit Kalia
Dr. Kiran Kumar


Certification by Board examination is a way of promoting high standards of care. The aim is to improve the professional performance of the individual clinician by careful and extensive evaluation of all aspects of actual patient treatments.

Our Parent Body - Indian Orthodontic Society

The Indian Orthodontic Society is a strong professional society with 10000+ members which is the first Speciality Society of Dentistry in India. The IOS started as a Study Group in Mumbai, in 1963 and was formally established as the Indian Orthodontic Society on Friday the 5th October 1965. The late Dr.H.D. Merchant was the founder President and Dr. Naishadh Parikh the founder Secretary and Treasurer. The other founder members were Late Dr. A.B.Modi, Dr. Keki Mistry, Dr.Mohandas Bhat, Dr. Prem Prakash and Late Dr. H.S.Shaikh.The Indian Orthodontic Society is registered with registrar of societies act, vellore wide no. 75 of 1992.

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